Our mission and vision is directly funded by the generosity of people like you. We believe you can’t outgive God, so when you’re trusting Him with your tithes and offerings we know He will bless the rest (Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10-12).
We think Christians should be the most generous people on earth to support worthy causes, and there is no organization with more potential to change the world than the local church. |
*If you're giving to a specific fund like Benevolence, Building fund, or an Event, please note it in the memo or choose that option in online giving
Discover the Future of FBCJC
Friends We Partner With
Supporting Rob & Lisa Atkins
Ways to give at FBCJC
You can give through Giving Envelopes by placing your envelopes in the offering. |
Mail-in your offering or drop it off at our office. For other types of donations contact the office |
We have made it easy to give through our website. It is safe and secure! |